Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ban-apple Experiment

My mom kept on bugging me to make something from bananas and apples the past few days.  She said that she has tasted this dessert that has bananas and apples in it and it was good.

I'm kinda iffy about combining bananas and apples in a single dessert since I haven't encountered this flavor profile before and I don't know how it would taste.

Today, I finally gave in and decided to make a "ban-apple" cake.

I used one part bananas and one part apples combined with my tried and tested cake recipe sprinkled with muscovado sugar on top and boy oh boy was I surprised with how it turned out.

It was really really really good!  Super moist and fluffy and also in pinoy jargon, hindi nakakaumay.

It is visually plain though, so I just have to think of a way to make it look more appealing, but the taste is another story.

I think I have a new favorite now :)