Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Simple and no fuss

I sometimes find myself unable to decide what I want to eat.  I pace from ref to pantry, back and forth for the nth time and still have no idea what to cook.

Today, is one of those days, maybe because of the holidays, I got tired of eating beef, pork and chicken.

What do I do when I find myself in this situation?

I rely on my trusty default solution: 

Get some tuyo, bagoong alamang, chilli oil, basil and lots and lots of garlic and make pasta.

It's a simple, no fuss dish using only items found in the house but it gives me delight that no haughty-taughty expensive food could deliver.

Tuyo and sweet and spicy bagoong alamang is comfort food for me, and I guess to most pinoys as well.  Combine them with another comfort food, pasta, and you have there a slice of happy pie.

I'm happy happy happy :)