Thursday, January 13, 2011

Me Thursday

I was left all alone at home today and as it usually goes when I'm left on my lonesome, I cook pasta.

It's my default alone food.


It's just one of my quirks.   I don't want to cook a whole batch of steamed rice and viand (ulam) when I know I'll be eating it all alone. 

I already had some meat for breakfast (ham, eggs, and toasted bread with butter), and meat again for lunch (carbonara with pastrami) so I decided to make something light for dinner.

Here's what I made
Pan seared yellow fin tuna with sun dried tomatoes, basil, garlic, and black olives on pasta

I also only used the oil of the sun dried tomatoes to add more flavor.  This dish has no salt.

I made it light to compensate for my fat filled breakfast and lunch (ham, butter, pastrami, cream), and of course the carbs from the bread and pasta.

Oh and I also only used half a portion of pasta for this dish hehehe.

While writing this, Im munching on chocolates......waaaaah......I don't know if I'll ever reach my desired waistline soon!

Monday, January 10, 2011


I'm trying to start eating healthier. 

I've been eating plenty of vegetables since a couple of days ago, and minimizing my rice intake.  They say that when it comes to vegetables, the more colorful the set, the more nutrients there are. 

I think what I prepared today had a decent amount of color to reflect the variety of vitamins found in them.

We have here some vibrant yellow, orange, purple, red, and different shades of green.

I just sauteed them and added some tomato paste, oyster sauce and crushed black peppercorns.

Simple, light, clean but very tasty.

I hope I could stick to eating healthier this year.  :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fresh Lumpiang Ubod "Crepe" (hahahaha)

Mom and Dad brought home literally a whole coconut trunk today.  We just asked someone to hack the heck out of it with an itak to reach the center, which we pinoys fondly call ubod.

They bought it because they were craving for lumpiang sariwa.

Mom asked me to make fresh lumpia wrapper from her own recipe.

While browsing through the ingredients list, it kinda dawned on me that her recipe is a whole lot like crepe, so I just cooked it like a crepe, that is fluffier than what a regular lumpia wrapper should be.

I wrapped my portion like a crepe instead of like a lumpia and it turned out like this
fresh lumpia wrapper, lettuce, ubod, carrots, pork, chicken, lumpia sauce with crushed peanuts...the works!

I Jokingly said to my mom:  "Ang sosyal ng lumpia parang savory crepe hahaha."

And I realized, it kinda is a savory crepe, welll that's just my opinion.  :)