Thursday, January 13, 2011

Me Thursday

I was left all alone at home today and as it usually goes when I'm left on my lonesome, I cook pasta.

It's my default alone food.


It's just one of my quirks.   I don't want to cook a whole batch of steamed rice and viand (ulam) when I know I'll be eating it all alone. 

I already had some meat for breakfast (ham, eggs, and toasted bread with butter), and meat again for lunch (carbonara with pastrami) so I decided to make something light for dinner.

Here's what I made
Pan seared yellow fin tuna with sun dried tomatoes, basil, garlic, and black olives on pasta

I also only used the oil of the sun dried tomatoes to add more flavor.  This dish has no salt.

I made it light to compensate for my fat filled breakfast and lunch (ham, butter, pastrami, cream), and of course the carbs from the bread and pasta.

Oh and I also only used half a portion of pasta for this dish hehehe.

While writing this, Im munching on chocolates......waaaaah......I don't know if I'll ever reach my desired waistline soon!